Uwe Freund
born in Hanau (Germany)
Communication skills trainer and coach
- since 1989: Training, coaching, seminars and workshops in Germany and abroad
- Special sector expertise: automotive, health insurance, banks and financial services, insurance, clothing/fashion
- Seminar languages: German (native speaker), English (business fluent – European Reference Framework Level: C2)
Consultant and copy optimiser
- Creation of company-specific concepts and materials to optimize written communication in customer service (letters and emails), revision of all letter and email templates for large corporations and institutions
- Development of text concepts for companies in various sectors, e.g. complaint management
- Optimisation of customer letters and emails and various marketing texts
- Writer, specialised journalist, specialist consultant for print media
- University education: Political science, psychology and German literature.Master’s thesis: European integration and educational policy in the European Community. Degree: Magister Artium (M. A.), 1992
- Coaching training based on Transactional Analysis
- Accredited INSIGHTS MDI Consultant
- Continued education in Gestalt, NLP, TCI, hypnosis, conflict management, group dynamics, sports training methodology, Meridian Based Psychology (MPC)
BJV Bavarian Journalists‘ Association
Mission statement: The freedom to choose
I help people expand their own sphere of deployment to attain the highest possible self-determination, freedom of choice, mastery and personal satisfaction in life. This comes about by reflecting on and then enhancing professional and personal skills on the basis of a humanistic approach to people.
In doing this, I convey specialist content in the areas of
- written communication and complaint management
- time management, self-organization and office management
- personal impact, presentation skills and speech
What makes me distinct?
A constructive touch and productive working environment are the basis for growth and development.
When creating such an environment, I work with motivating, participant-focused methods that appeal to all the senses (multi-sensory) and keep an eye squarely on the individual as well as the system (holism).
I am authentic in my personal dealings and structured in the lucid processes and materials I use. I prepare complex information in such a way that it becomes easily understandable and then I bring it across using methods specifically targeted to the individual trainee.
Who are you dealing with?
I am an independent, self-employed service provider and carry out communication training coaching and media consulting for groups, teams and individuals. I work internationally with a focus on the Munich vicinity, in both German and English.
My offerings are geared to my clients‘ needs. To ensure this, I employ a broad range of methods, e.g. from transaction analysis (TA), Gestalt psychology, topic-centered interaction (TCI), neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and behavioral therapy.
The high level of my specialty, methodological and personal quality I endeavor to maintain and expand through continuous further education.
Core values
My way of thinking and acting is firmly rooted in the value system of humanism and humanistic psychology.
Ok/Ok position: Every behavior has a positive intent and a benefit for the person/group involved. This is why I encounter each person from an ok/ok position: open, valuing, in-touch and with respect.
Valuing: Each healthy person already possesses all the skills he or she will need to deal with his or her life. Training and coaching expand knowledge and with it self-awareness so that each person can make use of more and better options.
Empathy: Empathetic understanding builds the basis for working authentically and in close touch with people. This also includes direct, clear and open communication.
Optimism: Difficulties are not problems, instead they are challenges that form a basis for further development.
Humor: It is often helpful to meet challenges with an optimistic tenor and constructive humor. Learning processes are significantly bolstered with the addition of fun.