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All training courses: Copy writing and writing skills

Copy writing and writing skills

Presentation training

Presentation training – presenting successfully: Improving your personal impact

Expert, credible and personal – these are the factors that make a presentation convincing. In this seminar, participants find out how to apply the appropriate blend of dramatic composition, confident speech, effective body language and professional use of media to achieve an optimum effect. Video recordings and detailed follow-up allow participants to recognise their own potential and consciously tap into their strengths.

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Presentation coaching

Individual coaching: Presentation – Improving your personal impact

Expert, credible and personal – these are the factors that make a presentation convincing. In this seminar, participants find out how to apply the appropriate blend of dramatic composition, confident speech, effective body language and professional use of media to achieve an optimum effect. Video recordings and detailed follow-up allow participants to recognise their own potential and consciously tap into their strengths.

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Telephone training

Telephone training: Successful telephone communication with customers in German

The telephone is by far the most important instrument of business communication. In this seminar participants learn how to selectively prepare phone calls with German-speaking customers and use specific rhetorical means to engage positively. Working with sample phrases, participants develop individual phone call guidelines that enable them to cope confidently even in difficult situations.

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Basics of communication and speech

Basics of communication and speech

Familiarity with the basic rules of communication enables you to successfully achieve your individual goals and steer conversations. Participants learn about the key factors influencing communication and how they can identify and apply these deliberately in conversations: attitudes, body language, mindset, speech and dealing with blockages. They reflect on their own communication behaviour and plan conversations using various well-established models and techniques.

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Live chat service

Dialogue training for staff providing a live chat service for German-speaking customers

Companies now make full use of the internet as a means of communication. The live chat has become one of the fastest and most important services in direct dialogue with customers. Participants find out in this seminar what basic rules and expressions apply for a professional and successful live chat. They learn how to achieve a positive effect for their company by means of clear, purposeful and succinct wording.

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