Seminar: Hosting and facilitating effective meetings
How to lead result-oriented meetings.
Meetings are essential in business, but they can become one of the biggest time wasters in an organization. Therefore, facilitation skills are increasingly important for employees, managers and specialists. Running meetings via online tools like Skype offer great opportunities – and pose particular challenges.
Seminar objectives:
- Plan and facilitate meetings to achieve results
- Ensure clarity regarding reasons for meetings
- Achieve aims and secure sustainable results in your meetings
- Deal with conflict, obstructions or “difficult people”
You will plan the concrete contents of your coaching together with your coach to make sure that the coaching meets your needs and expectations exactly. The seminar will be a mixture of theory and extensive practical exercises to ensure transfer and reflection of the material learned.
Duration: 1–2 days, e.g. 9 am to 4 pm
- Before starting the course, participants fill in an online questionnaire and receive preparatory material.
- Participants identify challenges they have experienced dealing with stakeholders, perhaps also from different countries, with varying levels of expertise in speaking English.
- The sense of facilitation and the role of the facilitator
- Phase model for facilitation and agendas
- Models for consensus-oriented decision processes
- Detailed planning – developing a script for your meeting
- Securing results and delegating tasks
- Dos and Don’ts of meeting facilitation
- Group dynamic aspects and avoiding conflicts
- Intervention strategies for disturbances and conflicts
- Interactive group discussions about challenging scenarios, reasons and effective resolutions
- Practical interactive role play scenarios
- Group exercises
Handbook, quick reference cards and seminar service
- Detailed seminar handbook and handouts with exercises
- A5 quick reference cards as a brief summary
- Supplementary material and photographic minutes by email
- Support after the seminar: simply by email or using the Knowledge Blog – participants are welcome to ask questions and request tips after the seminar
Your communications skills trainer:
Uwe Freund: Communication trainer, coach, text optimiser. Uwe Freund has been supporting companies since 1989 as a communication trainer, speaker, coach and consultant for business writing skills and complaint management by letter, email, chat and social media as well as time management, telephone dialogue and presentation.
He advises companies in German-speaking countries on the redesign of written and verbal communication as well as the concrete implementation through text optimisation of templates, building blocks and templates. His industry expertise focuses on financial services, insurance, law firms and law firms, automotive, IT and software, clothing/fashion. Uwe Freund lives in Munich.
- Studies: Politics, German Studies and Psychology in Frankfurt am Main and Munich - Degree: M. A. (Magister/Master)
- Qualifications: Certified coach based on transactional analysis; further training: Gestalt, NLP, TCI, conflict management, group dynamics, physiology and sports training methodology, energetic psychology (MPC), INSIGHTS MDI (accredited counsellor), Lumina Spark (accredited counsellor)
- Seminar languages: German, English
- Seminar topics: Written communication and business writing such as letters and emails, live chat, professional formulation and copywriting, telephone dialogue, customer service and complaint management, time management and productivity, pyramid style presentations, presentation, facilitation
- Memberships: BJV Bayerischer Journalistenverband / German Journalists' Association, DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. / German Standardisation Organisation (member of the working committee "Text and information processing for office applications")